Ziva- Zia- Z

  • I'm Saying Goodbye

    She couldn't describe it, but the need was... well, downright impossible to ignore. As she pulled away from the curb, she swore that this would be the last time she would ever leave Eureka. She was leaving, just like the Astreaus crew was, though the only difference between them and her, was that no matter what she discovered on her walkabout, she was never coming back.

  • From Their Own Lands

    The roots of their heritage stemmed much deeper than anyone had ever thought. When Tim and Sarah find a diary tucked away in their father's things after his death, they have no idea the depths of revolution steeped in their blood, or the ancestors who call for them to return to a land torn apart by violence and death, a land that cries to one day become whole again. Est. McGiva.

  • Embers in a Crystal Storm

    Two kingdoms ruled by married monarchs separated by a sea would not outlast those kingdoms that came before. It didn't matter he had loved her the moment they met. Everything was against them- a marriage built on such major differences could not last- but they were determined; they would rewrite the story, even if they had to rewrite the stars to make sure their story was told.

  • Taking A New Direction

    A new director, new team leaders, a new change of direction in the old history of NCIS. Established McGiva. AU.

  • Past Lives Linked

    They had never met until she walked into the bullpen. But somehow, when they made eye contact across the office space, he knew her, though he'd never met her before. As it turned out, some lives are linked by much more than just a first meeting. Some lives are linked by the past. McGiva.

  • A New Form of Catch Up

    A person is a person, is a person. Except when they aren't. When a case brings NCIS and Boston PD together, Dr. Maura Isles finds her past catching up with her... a past she wasn't even aware she had. NCIS/Rizzoli & Isles crossover. AU.

  • Reflections

    She had done all she could to be the daughter her father desired, but now, after all these years in America, when she looked in the mirror, why didn't she recognize the woman staring back at her? McGiva. Post-Shabbat Shalom. Based on Reflection from Mulan.

  • The Cards Dealt

    Even with Israel in their past, the oldest daughter of Mossad's director & the Ambassador's only son have no choice but to deal the cards dealt. But what happens when people from their past come back to haunt them? They'll question everything they know, & make a decision that just may tear their family apart. Picks up a week after where Beat of Your Heart left off.

  • I Hear the Beating of Your Heart

    Eight years earlier, one night set them on a freefalling course of seperation, teenage parenthood, a surprise reunion, and rediscovering lost love. Now, it's time for the Ambassador's son and the Deputy Director's daughter to get their balance back. They're going to need it. Set three months after Finding Home. I recommend reading that one before starting this one, for reference.

  • The Mystic's Dream

    Elsa's grown up never having powers... until, thanks to an accident, she met Jack Frost, son of Frost King. Now, Elsa's future in jeopardy, w/solution being marriage. Now, w/nothing in common but the magic both possess & bound together through a marriage neither wanted, can the young royals find some form of common ground, will their icy match leave an eternal winter in its wake?

  • Finding Home

    He's the American Ambassador's son. She, the oldest daughter of the Deputy Director of Mossad. They spend one night together- until her father rips them apart. Years later, she goes to America, only to find the boy she remembered all grown up. When they finally see each other, will it be a happy reunion? & what happens when he discovers the secret she was forced to hide?

  • Peace Forgotten, Righteous Beautiful

    The massacre of Americans and Israelis at an inner-peace function forces Mossad and NCIS to work together. In a time when you have to be careful who you can trust, and when romance between the agencies is forbidden, will two agents willingly break the rules, and compromise their mission, at the expense of innocent lives, for their forbidden attraction? AU. MCGIVA.

  • Directing Chaos

    What if Tim was the Director of NCIS and Ziva the Director of Mossad? How would their paths have crossed and how would their agencies have handled the chaos undoubtedly bound to follow?

  • Soul Survivor

    She was the only one to survive on Flight 321, the plane that crashed in the Naval yard outside NCIS HQ. So when Gibbs and his team are forced to sift through the bodies and put the pieces together, Agent McGee finds himself drawn to, and falling for, the sole survivor of the doomed flight. McGiva. AU.

  • Game of Love

    "'Til death do us part..." Little did they know that such simple words, said as children during play, would ultimately seal their fate. Using a couple of their parents' rings, Tim & Ziva, childhood friends growing up in Israel, hold a pretend wedding ceremony in an abandoned synagogue, unaware of the repercussions their little game has for their lives. Full summary inside. McGiva.

  • Sweet Cheeks

    Why did Ziva look so shocked when McGee called her 'Sweetcheeks' in Blowback? Could there have been a reason for it? McGiva.

  • Journey To the Past

    She was a girl who knew only of the world she'd been thrust into; every memory of her past seemed to have been erased... but what happens when she finds an old, faded photo in her parents' desk? Suddenly, everything she thought she knew, everyone she loved, was nothing but a lie. She had a sister to find, a past to discover, & part of her soul that needed mending. Est. MCGIVA. AU.

  • Moments in Time

    Moments frozen in memory, sometimes breathtaking, but never unwanted. Then there are moments you never expect- that take your breath away, but never for a good reason. Yes, life's built of moments, that build you up, that tear you down. It's b/c of those, you must learn to accept; move on, even when your heart's telling you no. Yes, 1 moment, it can change your life. Modern AU.

  • A Child of Trouble

    The bomb blast brings back some frightening memories for one of the NCIS team and his family. So when the rest of the team find out his past- a past filled to the brim with violence, death and loss- can they help him overcome what's broken him? Or will he become another statistic? Established McGiva.

  • Be His Soul Sister

    She was his best friend. As she watched him dancing w/woman who held his heart, she realized she'd been holding onto him for too long, & it was time to let him go. & though he didn't return in love w/her, he returned her w/a part of her soul connected to his, part of his heart permanently attached to hers. She could live w/Ziva being his soul mate, if she got to be his soul sister.