
  • I Can See Your Heart

    Momoi Satsuki have two abilities hidden from anyone else. After a certain accident her parents let her home-schooled. But the ministry called and forced her to go to a high school. That's where she met Generation of Miracles

  • To Bring You Back

    When Kai was reverse, he reverse Misaki without anyone else knowing. Then, Kai was un-reverse by Aichi. He was told that Misaki was reverse and that it might be because of him. What do you think Kai will do?. Warning; not a very good ending.

  • Misaki's Cards

    It was just another day, till Kai found out a problem Kamui, Miwa and Naoki had made. It was bothering Misaki and Kai just can't seem to stay still about it.

  • Miracle Circus

    Momoi Satsuki is half angel meanwhile Aomine Daiki is half black panther. They used to live nicely in forest but they were caught and made to be a performer in a circus called Dark Circus, where they were torture if they made mistake. One performance, Kuroko Tetsuya and Kise Ryoko came crashing in and invited them to a whole new different circus

  • His Love For Her

    Kai and Misaki were childhood friend. Inseparable and always so happy and bubbly. But, their parents died and both of them went separated way. Now they are entering high school. Who would've know? That both of them went to the same school.

  • Miyaji's Basketball

    Misaki, Asaka and Yuri are talented basketball players. So are their childhood friend; Kai, Ren and Kenji. But... things happen and they stopped playing. A few years passed. Usui Gai and Sendou Aichi, asked their seniors to form a basketball club and defeat the Generation of Miracles.

  • Playing Games-Love Stages

    What if... instead of meeting by playing Cardfight! Vanguard, they played something else? Like Just Dance or Chess? (Lots of pairings inside)

  • A Cardfight! Cinderella Story

    Takuto sent a weird letter to every Cardfight! Club in Japan. Of course, Miyaji, Hitsue and even Fukuhara wanted the prize. Let's see what the Club made for this event.

  • I Would Surely

    "About what would happen if only he had told Petra Ral how he felt and saved her from the titan". (I'm just passing by this fandom, so forgive me if it's OOC)

  • Just an Application

    Kuroko Tetsuya received an application from Aomine Daiki and decided to try it out a year after. Zero-zero-two appeared. Both of their life changed after that.

  • Treasure It

    I think it's better if your treasure what you have right now. Before its gone. Cause, nothing will always stay the same. Things break, people go. So treasure it while you have it. Don't make the same mistake I did... Because I almost lost her.

  • Memory

    Misaki have eidetic memory, everyone who's close to her know that. She's also Kai Toshiki's girlfriend, he treasures her and love her. Till... Misaki got hit by a car one day.

  • Servant of Evil

    Momoi Satsuki was born into the world as a perfect nice young girl. Feeling lonely because she doesn't have friends, her father gave her six servants close to her age. The six servants fell in love and promised to protect her, even if it means for them to be evil.

  • Heat Haze Days

    The Generation of Miracles woke up and agreed to meet in a park. Somehow... It started to be a never-ending cycle with the girl they love dying in different ways each time. Not wanting to repeat it again, they only have one ending to think of.

  • Normal Stalking

    It was just a coincidence that the generation of miracles and their manager met on the basketball court. They were about to play but Kuroko refused, instead he went to buy some drinks with Momoi. Just that... their friends doesn't really like being left on a gossip of Momoi.

  • What Happen

    This is probably what Asaka would want to tell you.

  • Who Protect Misaki?

    Kai bowed down to his friends asking if they could protect Misaki while he's gone to America because of his uncle. Just a simple story of how I thought the boys would protect Misaki. (Cause it;s not enough character filter; Sendou Aichi, Naoki Ishida, Miwa Taishi, Kamui Katsuragi, Morikawa Katsumi, Suzugamori Ren and Soryu Leon) A bit of Misaki from 'When Misaki Turned 4 Years Old.

  • Synchronicity

    A Diva is an unknown hero. Who sings deep inside the mountain where the sun rarely get through. The last Diva died due to using way too much Shadow than she was supposed to. The next Diva is born from Sendou Shizuka, a twins of boy and girl. Sendou Aichi and Sendou Asaka. History will repeat. History will repeat. History will repeat. But, Sendou Aichi is changing that history.

  • Yours

    Yotsue Akari have a crush on Miwa Taishi. Miwa Taishi had a crush on Tokura Misaki. Tokura Misaki started dating Kai Toshiki. So, Akari offered herself to be used by Miwa. Sadly as it is, Miwa didn't want to admit his real feelings. Till Izaki came around. (Sorry, Akari is not in the character filter. It didn't have her name)

  • I Guess Aichi's Jealous?

    No one but Emi ever saw Aichi mad. No one but Kourin and Emi now. (This is the one-shot request from Darkvader2015. Sorry if you don't like cause I'm writing this as quick as I could before I lose the idea)