
  • Changeling

    -Just wait, Matt thought venomously, you will gets yours when you sleep; and you do have to sleep at some point.

  • In Memory

    It had been nearly seventeen generations since the last Titan had been seen. Life had moved beyond the security of walls and civilization began to flourish once more. The three legions that had protected humanity had been disbanded and their memory survived in the memorials and in books. Until now. Attack on Titan xover (world only) -Two parts.

  • Like You Always Do

    The blond was not going to take "no" for an answer and backed Matt into the wall behind him so that there was no escape. - quickwrite

  • Unexpected

    A short tempered blond with a lust for chocolate entered his life and changed everything. He was loud, abrasive, passionate and smarter than anyone had a right to be. He was everything that Matt was not. He hated Mello from the start. -short, to the point and very much for my Mello. (But happy v-day to everyone else!)