

  • Royal Blood

    Sarai's mother's last wish, was for Sarai to go to Cross academy. Little does Sarai know, that her family has a dark secret. A man, by the name of Haruki, tries to get her to let him in. Will she do it? This is a story about the kids of the characters in the real anime. Rated T just to be safe.

  • Under My Umbrella

    Sophie Cove is a hot-headed, sarcastic, witty person, who gets thrown head first in to an assignment with William-Stick in his arse- T. Spears. What kind of explosions will come from this fated match?(Rated T because I'm paranoid).


    A Golden Sun parody of Star Wars. It's kinda silly, but I hope you like it!

  • Dragon's Flight

    Dawn felt like the weight of the world was pressing down on her. When she runs in to an old friend, will she let him in. Or will she run again?

  • Lost Hearts

    Lostheart has been searching her whole life to find a certain place, but when she finds it, is it really worth it? Or will she discover a darker secret about her past?

  • Raindrops on Roses

    Rose's mother was killed abruptly and now the same cats who killed her want to take her and her brother Rain in? She can't help but suspect some other unseen reason for this. Will she be able to push away her distrust, or will it come true?