
  • The Girl Who Ran

    Faced with a promise, the Doctor won't go back on his word. Faced with a challenge, Veronica won't give up. OcxDoctor OcxOC

  • Under The Masks

    A/U Irene Dreiberg was Dan's little sister. She's a touchy subject due to their parents and their background. But when Irene is wanted, dead or alive, by a new big time drug dealer will the Watchmen save the day, or will Irene be on her own? Rated M for: Violence & Language & Descriptions.

  • Damsels

    Hiro has a thing for damsels. Sure while he like strong women to fight with, women who ultimately need him to protect them always seem to wrap him around their finger. Here enters Bethany Smart. She is a mess and Hiro wants nothing more than to be the one to clean her up. Romance. HiroxOC

  • Savior

    This is a drabble based off of the song Savior by Rise Against. Walter's not having the best of days. Hints of RorschachxOC.