
  • The Truth Revealed

    Fred is in love with Hermione, that is just a standard. But Hermione is avoiding him. A bit of help from George and some Veritaserum should help fix this problem... Right?

  • A Globe of Snow

    Some stories start with once upon a time.. This story starts and ends with a snow globe.

  • The Black Lagoon

    Pirates!AU. A love has sparked between a Ministry crew member and the First mate of The Black Lagoon. How will the lovers find a way to be together? Find out in this thrilling adventure on the high seas.

  • Beaches, Sun and Tears

    Hermione finds her family again, but this is not the reunion she was hoping for. Good things Fred is always there to help her.

  • Five Big Moments

    A collection of five drabbles about the five big moments of life, each chapter a different couple. 1 - Ron/Pansy; 2 - Seamus/Lavender; 3 - Remus/Srius; 4 - Ron/Hermione; 5 - Neville/Luna.

  • From Moony With Love

    I am terrified Prongs, what if just like you and dear sweet Lily I am removed to soon, taken from my child over a war that should not be his to burden? Anyway, that was never the point of my letter; didn't I say I had a confession for you? - A letter from Moony to Prongs about regret and unrequited love.

  • Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas, horrible, ugly, miserable, pathetic Moaning Myrtle. Short angsty ficlet about Moaning Myrtle and Tom Riddle. Rated T for Language.

  • Just Blue

    Narcissa always did have a special spot in her heart for Sirius. Warning: Cousincest

  • Bittersweet

    A wave of fear crashed to the wall of Lucius' chest as he watched his wife give up on him. The final and inevitable end to Lucius' and Narcissa's marriage.

  • Devastation

    A once colourful world nothing but black and grey's, Poppy's life curled in one broken ball. Poppy's home was destroyed.

  • OF Memories and Drinking

    "Then why did you lie?" she asked curiously. It was a valid question? Why did I lie? Truthfully, I could not bear the idea of this New Katie meshing with the Old one. A/N: Slight mention of Percy and Katie together, mentions abuse.

  • Flying Lessons

    "I live off logics, logically I should not be able to fly a broom," Hermione said. "Sounds negative to me. Not logical,"

  • Do You Not Wonder?

    and that is why I no longer believe in fairy tales. Or magic.

  • Questioning My Existence

    It is curious to live the life of a tree. Why does he not feel what the children like around him so blatantly do?

  • Best Man

    Dudley has re-shaped his life, found a beautiful girl to call his wife and a job that many would be envious for. All he needs to do now is make amends with a family member he has not seen for many years.

  • Hidden Feelings

    Percy is in love with Katie, but he doesn't know it yet. Katie is in love with Percy but she doesn't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship. There is trouble a head when Percy invites Katie to his sister's wedding as his plus one. Will feelings be revealed? Read and find out.

  • Torture

    This must be what Crucio feels like. Crack story.. Lots of crack. Warnings: A little rape like.. Also Dark, rated M for these reasons

  • Picture Perfect

    I told her that you didn't exist. With Love Rowena. Just a sad, sort of fluffy fic.

  • Sober

    Memories slicing against you, pain stabbing at you, feelings of sadness and neglect showing themselves. You are not you when you are sober, and that is why Meth is your only option. WARNING: Mentions Drug and Sexual Abuse

  • Advice

    Charlie needs some relationship advice, and who best to barge in on at midnight than his older brother, Bill.