
  • Knight Bus Called Love

    Arabella waits patiently for Erine, even when they can only share those fleeting moments.

  • Say Something

    Short 100 word ficlet about Sirius and Ginny

  • I Will Protect Them

    The war is raging a Molly is fighting alongside those she loves, she will do what it takes to Protect them.

  • All is Fair in Love and War

    100 Drabbles of 100 words all about Narcissa Malfoy/Black and Lucius Malfoy. Rating may vary.

  • A Mother's Role

    It is hard to let your guard down and cry, but even a grown man needs to from time to time. And where is safer than the comfort of your mother's arms.

  • Rhythm of the Heart

    Fred wants Hermione to be his girlfriend, Hermione however needs some convincing. Perhaps the entire Gryffindor house can help him with that.

  • I am Free

    Lily is a freak, as her peers call her, so why should Freaks be here? Warning: Mentions Suicide

  • Forbidden Acts

    Rolanda Hooch, is an anxiety endured flying teacher, who loves her job, and unfortunately one of her students.

  • That Moment

    Neville cherishes one moment in his life that can be beaten by no other, his wedding day.

  • Little White Lies

    Katie doesn't want to admit she loves him, so she lies, but her lies last for mere moments as she stares into Remus' face. She loves him and he should know that.

  • Interview with a Crackpot

    The Ministry of Magic wants to keep rumors at bay, so who best to hush the Defence Against the Dark Arts position Rumors than Dolores Umbridge. She was not affected by the no existant curse... Was she?

  • Alice, My Love

    Letting go is never easy, but Revenge is, and Arthur will avenge Alice.

  • Just the Two of Us

    In a house full of Weasley's, Sirius loves the company, but with one particular Wealey catching his eye, he suddenly wishes it was just her. Warning: Sexual references

  • Blinding Beauty

    "Severus?" a voice asked softly stepping into the light of the dungeon, if the pale haze around the centre could be called light. But that didn't really matter because the person in front of him illuminated the room beyond what any mere light could do. For Opposite Day Challenge. Warning: Mild Sexual Reference.

  • Sirius' don't like Trees

    Lily said James can climb trees better than me. For All sorts of Love Challenge. My Slash Pairing.

  • Leaving for Good

    Her love for him will never fade away, even if he is. For All Sorts Of Love Challenge. My Canon Pairing.

  • A Drink for a Fan

    "So what's the story?" someone asked from behind Fred. "You know, flirty friend you are desperately in love with who doesn't understand," Fred said not taking his eyes off Hermione. Mild Course Language.

  • A Mere Glance

    I am Pansy Parkinson, confident, Slytherin, important and maybe, just a bit cute. Fluffy!

  • Rules of Love and Danger

    "Lavender," she said softly. "Do you have a last name?" Charlie asked. "Just Lavender." Her eyes snapped up to his and she dared him to ask again. Fluffy!

  • A Trip Worth Taking

    "Are you okay?" the boy asked. "Yea, I just want to get to Hogsmeade," Katie said exasperated. "Can I come?" the boy asked. For All Sorts of Love Challenge