
  • Parlay in Reverse

    She the daughter of two of wizarding Britain's most notorious death eaters, and he the savior of the wizarding world. Can two opposing forces come together for the greater good? Story is NOT Harry/Hermione. A bit AU, story better than the summary. Pairings: Fleur/Hermione, and Harry/Ginny, Lavender/Parvati, and other pairings.

  • If You Love Me (Let Me Go)

    "I would like you to have sex with my wife," Bill states. "P-Pardon?" Hermione is taken aback at the man's words. "I would like you to have sex with my wife," he states once more. OR Bill's a cuck and inadvertently pushes his wife into another witch's arms.

  • Half of My Heart

    Hermione is a daughter form a minor noble family and Fleur is the Crown Princess of France visiting the Northernmost region on a Royal Progress to meet the daughter of the region's High Lord for a potential match. An Au from my current AU Parlay in Reverse. Its got a sprinkle of smut. That's pretty much it. Or Hermione inadvertently steals the crown princess' heart.

  • Eventually, I will Become Yours

    Wizarding Founding Law 000184191: "Whereupon wizarding kind is on ye brink of extinction. It is incumbent upon the governing powers that be to enact Ye spell of Necesse Matrimony." Marriage Law AU

  • Serendipity

    What should have been a simple school reunion turns into the discovery of a potential illegitimate child. With a looming election, a conniving ex-girlfriend and the ever rabid tabloids . Can Fleur and Hermione find a solution to this unexpected happenstance and keep their marriage in tact? Written as part of a fluff v Angst challenge with Wisp on the Fleurmione Discord.

  • Anonymity

    Transgressions of the past cannot simply be forgiven and memories cannot simply fade, but would that we could turn back the time. Back into the abyss of anonymity. Companion piece to Intersection

  • Intersection

    Overcoming the obstacles of the world you look to the future, its all you can do to not relive the horrors of the past. Passing an ambitious piece of legislation, planning a wedding and coming face to face with an old love. Choices will be made, hearts will be broken. Will Hermione be able to keep her head above water as she navigates her own emotions and is forced to chose between

  • Breathe Into Me

    She hadn't meant for it to happen. It just sort of did. How could she tell her best friends let alone the Weasley Clan that she'd knocked up Bill's wife.

  • Un Deux Trois

    Precious moments are fleeting, time is a concept, and time turners often cause more harm than good.

  • Lovers, Brothers & Others

    In a 10-year post war time,wizarding nations ties are strained,animosity runs thick in the air.In hopes of repairing wounds left from the war,the Tri-Wizard Tournament has been reestablished.With a wouldbe DarkLord emerging,heirs long thought dead awaken