• Pygmalion

    The true narcissist falls in love with everything about himself, including his work. A D/G reworking of George Bernard Shaw's beloved Pygmalion. [in the process of being updated]

  • Moonstruck

    The DG Forum's 100 Days, 100 Drabbles Challenge. Moonstruck: unable to think or act normally, especially due to being in love. Draco and Ginny's story in a hundred different worlds in a hundred different ways.

  • A Study of Insanity

    But then she looked up and dashed away any pity he may have entertained because instead of having tears raining from her wide, ridiculously innocent brown eyes there was determination shining in them. And he sighed.

  • Mr Brightside

    "Jealousy, turning saints into the sea, swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis..." And as he's on his knees, he can't help but think that if he'd just felt back then, he wouldn't have to compensate now and be flooded with every emotion he's ever felt and more.

  • Adrenaline Junkie

    One midnight in a majestic castle called Hogwarts, there was an irate Head Boy and a cheeky rebel.

  • The A Team

    AU. Four agents of a secret U.S. government department do what they've been recruited to do while secrets are kept and revealed, hearts are given and broken, and battles are won and lost. In the meantime, the organization known only by its signature 'A' continues to threaten them and everything they know.

  • Peacocks

    RamLeela Outtakes. Because if even the great ocean becomes a desert because of its pride, then who are they to let pride get in the way?

  • The Day Ginny Dropped A Coach Bag and the Resulting Consequences

    She was trying to sneak a camera up a certain woman's dress. That certain woman was not named Astoria Greengrass. Just in case you might go running off to tell someone, namely Ginny's mum. Or Draco Malfoy.

  • National Anthem

    "It's a love story for the new age, for the six page. Want a sick, quick rampage?"

  • Roll the Dice

    Samos, Greece...Usually a great vacation spot. But for Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, and Cornelius Fudge, it signifies karma... Kill and die.

  • The Ballad of Mona Lisa

    AU. The year is 1842. When Lady Ginevra Weasley is mistakenly exiled to the most ominous and secretive asylum of all time, she meets none other than someone who is either her salvation or doom.

  • A Diary from the Shadows or, I Don't Keep Diaries Anymore

    What stays in the background is what nobody could ever guess. The behind-the-scenes story of Ginny Weasley, badass and secret-keeper extraordinaire, through the wonder years.

  • Vengeance

    Honestly, the kind of accusations being thrown about right now should've driven the Sorting Hat crazy. Written for BillaRayne's GryffSlythPuffleClaw Challenge on the DG Forum.