
  • Asunder

    One day, Hubert wakes up and notices things are different from the world of yesterday. So he goes to find a way to fix it while trying to learn who caused this problem. Terrible summary, but an AU story about what if this-or-that happened with, hopefully, a suitable conclusion...eventually. Ch.1 edited.

  • Captain Mashiga: The First Superhuman

    It's great to be a genius in the theoretical applications of military knowledge but the moment he has to take matters into his own hands, he's the one who needs saving...that is until he gets the chance to become more. Will there be consequences for his actions or will the ends justify the means? AU. M for coarse language & mature themes.

  • Kyon: World Champion

    Haruhi wants the SOS Brigade to achieve worldwide recognition. How? By making her members compete in the world of pro wrestling. Kyon is not happy, but he may find a way to make this work for his benefit. Later Chapters will involve KyonXHaruhi Rated T for now, may go to M later. There shall be OCs & a cross-over of sorts. ON HIATUS.