
  • What actually happened to Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel?

    The real reason that Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel lived for over five centuries. Only mentions Highlander characters Methos and McLeod. One shot completed. Part of my RGHSE verse.

  • Grandma Death

    Asura is defeated and the gang is in the hospital when the DWMA gets a visitor that knows Lord Death. WAIT, she whose mother! Rated for family. First ever Sandman and Soul Eater X-over. Cute family one shot. Revised and edited June 2014.

  • The Adventures of Jack Frost in America

    What if Jack's first believer is Alfred F. Jones? Eventually, Alfred grows up and Jack thinks that his first friend had left and died, until after the Revolutionary War when he finds his friend still young and now with kids! Now including the Easter Bunny. Series of one shots, ficlets, and drabbles. Will take request. Rated for content. Part of my RGHSE verse.