The Monster inside of Me

  • New Kid On The Block: An X-Men Story

    After collecting a new mutant, the inhabitants of the institute's lives are turned upside down. How will they cope to the adjustments they need to make? Can Wolverine cope with his beer being rationed and having to watch his language? Can Kurt and Bobby grow up? And will Kitty ever learn to drive?

  • The Prank which led to something else

    What do you get when you leave a bored Black Widow home alone? Trouble. Rated T because I'm paranoid.

  • London

    When a spell performed by England goes wrong, nobody could have predicted the arrival of a little girl as the outcome. Sure, he had been missing being a parent, but how the heck can he raise this little girl, London, who's technically his daughter? Join the FACE family as they deal with the ups and downs of raising a little girl when it's been 200 years since you've held a baby.

  • This country and snow

    England's hosting the G8 meeting, but the country's a mess due to snow. How will he cope with the other nation's criticism. Me, laughing at how my country reacts to snow when other countries get it so much worse. This was written whilst it was (is) snowing outside of my house!

  • A christmas thank you

    Jo can't stand Christmas, can Henry uncover why and cheer her up? One-shot. Merry Christmas!

  • Why not me?

    When Jo sees a co-worker kissing Henry, she loses her will to live. Henry has to stop her. Rated T for trigger warnings. I do not own Forever or any of the characters. Unfortunately.