
  • Like Father like Son

    Take place after season 2. While Sherlock has been busy dismantling Moriarty web and keeping the fact that he is alive secret from all but his family and Molly. Meanwhile Molly Hooper the once mousy pathologist in the morgue at St. Barth's has her own secret to keep. Sherlock returns three years later to find things have changed. Part 1 of 3 done.

  • Double Edged

    In the past as Rumple fights to find his son and set a curse in motion he is unaware that his actions are nothing more then steps in a plot that a great evil has spent years concocting. While in the present day town of Storybrook Maine the guardian, believer,and the savoir must work together to remove the curses, slay this great evil who ever it is, and all before time runs out. Au

  • OUAT: The Curse of the Horned King

    When the Dark Vault took Neal's life in exchange for his father he figured it was the end. What he didn't count on was that their was an even bigger price to be paid, then death itself. While Zelena works to unravel the very fabric of time and rewrite history a darkshadow looms on the horizon but is it evil or good? No one knows. Au after Quiet Minds.