

  • 9-11 Tribute: Remember

    I wanted to get this in before the end of today. Please take no offense from this, I just wanted to do something for today, considering the date. Rated T just in case. One-shot, R&R is greatly appreciated. If you must criticize, please make constructive criticism, I'm sorry if I have touched on any sensitive topics for any viewers.

  • Hetalia: Paint it Beautiful Axis Musical Series!

    Music Hetalia. That's pretty much it. Accepting requests; rated T for later Romano

  • That Bloody Transfer Student!

    Arthur is a simple Slytherin student when he is called for a special mission by the headmaster himself; Helping the new American transfer student and his brother at Hogwarts. Just one problem though... the American wizard just happens to be a stupid, bloody wanker! -according to Arthur that is. No pairings, rated T for future Romano, keeping original HP professors (no trio though)

  • When a Country Dies

    A fanfic full of possible feels. Enjoy! (taking requests; rated T just in case)

  • Survival

    The title is pretty self-explanatory, it's not the typical zombie apocalypse, but it's like an apocalypse. Rin and Len-centric. No pairings. First chapter sucks but the story will get better, just give it a chance. R&R is greatly appreciated, especially since I'm still a bit new to writing fanfiction " Rated T just in case

  • Shingeki no Musical

    Basically the SnK cast do a series of flashmobs to some SnK parodies I found on the internet. R&R would be greatly appreciated! Rating may change, if I continue this

  • The Dream in her mind

    Basically a one-shot inspired by a picture of what may go on inside Annie's head in the crystal. There might be some Aruani(Armin x Annie) if you squint really really hard. R&R please! (Rated K 'cause I'm paranoid)

  • Aruani Moments

    Basically a collection of Aruani oneshots/drabbles. R&R would be nice, so would some prompts and ideas. May or may not contain other pairings.

  • The Fourth Military Branch

    What if there was another military branch other than the first three? (sucky summary is sucky; rated T just in case; I gave Levi a much cleaner mouth; many OC's; possible Eremika) R&R please!