
feathered moon wings

  • Lonely Stars Drifting In Ihe Black

    It's an easy job, go in, get some information, and then Jango Fett can be on his merry way out of the disgusting Death Watch camp which he has nothing but contempt for. It WOULD be an easy job, that is if it weren't for the chained kid they've got, tied up like an animal... Jango sees red and nothing more. He'll make them regret the day they dared to lay hands on a child.

  • Extract Qui-gon: Searching

    Qui-gon Jinn's apprentice has been taken while on the run on Mandalore. The Jedi Knight despairs as he exhausts every last resort he can to find Obi-wan. He needs to learn he doesn't have to search alone though, his family and the Force will always be there by his side to help him. (Part 1.2 of the LSD series, can be read on it's own) (Rated T for teams but nothing graphic happens)

  • The Sound of a Dream

    Orpheus plays by the water of the sea while his father watches. "I like it when you sing to me." the boy says "You used to sing to me, when I was little-er."

  • I don't know how I couldn't see it before

    Castiel had always itched away from Sam's darkness. It hurt his skin and burned his grace. But he didn't mean to flinch away, that was not a thing friends did, and he was his friend. But it had always been there... just beneth th darkness. Not slash, just nice friendship, but you could flavor it in your mind :)

  • I thought you might like them

    The loss of his wings weights on Castiel, he feels empty. "I'm going to cheer you up Cass." Sam says with a smile. (Very little hurt/comfort)

  • Where are your green eyes, brother of mine?

    Should I fear them? Or should I welcome them into our home? A short poem of Sam's thought's on Dean's... "condition".

  • Medicina para las pesadillas

    No se había sentido mas feliz en su vida. Yuuichi podía finalmente caminar, no había sentimiento que comparable, nada en absoluto. Pero es todo un sueño, una horrible pesadilla. "¿Que es lo que sucede Yuuichi?" "Nada Kyousuke... estoy bien." Pero no es verdad, ambos lo saben.