
  • Loveless

    There is no greater gift than a child created out of love. When Sookie dies, she leaves behind her most precious treasure, one she created with Eric with all the love in the world.— For sixteen years he has shut her out, and what Eira wants the most is to be able to feel her father's love, and all she ever wanted was a family [E/S HEA Promised!]

  • Moonlight Sonata

    The source of his dreams came from a beautiful prisoner that was considered to be dangerous. When Eric first laid eyes on her, he knew she was meant to be his, but could this beautiful woman allow herself to trust in fate and allow herself to be loved, and could she love in return?

  • Predatory

    A/U Eric Northman once thought he had lost the love of his life, but upon meeting Sookie, he is sure that she's the one whom he thought lost. Sookie Stackhouse is a hunter, humans that protect humans from the Supe world. But what happens when Sookie begins to fall in love with Eric? Can a Vampire and a Hunter be together?

  • Sweet Home Louisiana

    AU A/H. Based on the movie of similar title; Sookie Stackhouse had run away from Louisiana, leaving her old life behind. She was happy, or so she thought, she can't really move on with her life, if she's still married to Eric Northman. Now Sookie must come back home, and dig up her buried past.