
  • bad luck

    Bad luck, iv'e decided that's my new motto. I mean come on, I have the worst luck...ever. But honestly it's not my fault! How was I supposed to know that there were going to be a bunch of crazy men in an alleyway waiting for a slice of Annabeth. But that's not even the best part, not at all! No, I get kidnapped and then stalked by a gang...but at least the leader's hot!

  • the infected

    There was a time I believed that you were meant for something, anything! But that's not how I see it anymore. It's truly fascinating how easily your life can change. One minute your laughing and smiling with your family, the next your running for your life. My mom said I was destined for great things, and maybe I was, but not anymore. Or that was what I thought anyways.

  • mystery girl

    Percy Jackson, international pop star, hears a voice singing and swears that he will find this mystery girl. Annabeth chase has a talent only her step monsters, Thalia her best friend, and her dead parents know about. how far will her step mom and sisters go to make sure she never gets her time to shine?

  • The Mortal Academy

    People should know by now to never make Rose Hathaway mad, but of course one of are beloved Shadow Hunters doesn't know this. When a sparkly Warlock finds two very angry teens about ready to kill each other, he does what any body would do. knock them out and kidnap them. But of course Magnus already knows of Rose, and he needs her and the moroi's help.

  • Music Academy

    Annabeth Chase has a hidden talent that qualifies her to be in the music academy. When she moves to go to her new school out in New York she is destined to meet some interesting characters with amazing talents just like her. Join Annabeth Chase on her adventure into the Music Academy.