
  • Click

    Amelia Bones bests Lord Voldemort using a mirror and a vase.

  • Intuition

    How Albus met Fawkes.

  • The Kindness of Strangers

    In which red and George are out running errands with their mother, or, in which a little ice cream goes a long way.

  • Daddy

    An AU where Neville was the Chosen-One, Peter never defected, but Sirius still has to raise Harry. Warning: If you like Snape, I do not recommend reading this.

  • Guy Fox Day

    The continuing adventures of the Dumbledore children and Tann the goat!

  • May 3rd, 1998

    A slice of information about the Cattermole family, and where they've ended up.

  • Ginny Weasley Plans a Party

    "All Rolf Scamander wanted in the world was for Luna Lovegood to agree to marry him. Unfortunately, she was not making it easy."

  • A Betting Man

    It's the night before Minerva Mcgonagall's wedding. What are Filius Flitwick and Aurora Sinistra doing up?

  • We're Still Fighting

    How Luna and Xenophilius are coping since being reunited. Written for Round 3, Season 5 of the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition.

  • Tann the Goat

    Aberforth Dumbledore's first goat.

  • Baby's First Ministry Raid

    In the wake of the Dark Lord's death, the Malfoys struggle to maintain their innocence. A/N: This story ended up humanizing Narcissa and Lucius much more than I initially intended, I think, and I'm still not sure how I feel about that.

  • Little Chick

    Helena Ravenclaw contemplates what it is to be an adult.

  • The First Injury of the Season

    It's the first Quidditch match of the season, so naturally, someone gets injured.

  • The Past is Prologue (to the End)

    A prequel to my other story, The End.

  • The End

    Lily is reminded of her broken friendship with Severus Snape.

  • Split Loyalties

    The Marauders were planning on going out tonight, but Lily is sick and James doesn't want to leave her, so plans change.

  • Unanswered Questions

    A piece about how Hermione Granger and Severus Snape come to regard each other. TRIGGER WARNING: This prompt was chosen for me, and while I tried my best to AVOID ANY appearances of sexual attraction or a sexual/romantic relationship, this is about the nature of a relationship, and if involves certain power dynamics, so please stay safe, and ignore this if you think you should.

  • Lily Evans Gryffindor

    Lily faces anti-muggleborn sentiment after she is overheard explaining to her friend the nature of film

  • Friends, Family, Birthdays, Teas, and Oscar Wilde

    Remus Lupin's friends (understandably) forgot his birthday. This does not stop him from being upset.

  • Bravery and Wisdom

    Letters written between Parvati and Padma Patil, their parents, and their maternal grandmother. Begins with the days leading up to Katie Bell's encounter with the locket, and ends the day after the death of Albus Dumbledore. For Round 4 Season 5 of the Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition for the Caerphilly Catapults.