

  • April and Mikey's First Date

    April and Michelangelo go on their first date. Is it everything they dreamed it would be? (This is based off of the 2014 movie characters)

  • Fay Woodcroft and the Clash of Magic

    Fay Woodcroft is a British orphan, completely unaware for the first sixteen years of her life that she is a muggle witch. She is summoned to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry on her seventeenth birthday, and it is much, much more than she expected. When the Clash of Magic is announced, she must prove herself and learn to cope with a spine curling secret.

  • I Love Being a Turtle (Part 2)

    Bebop and Rocksteady are ready to put their plan into action. Lives are on the line, including that of April and Mikey's son. Will good defeat evil once again? (Based on the 2014 characters).

  • The Clash of Magic

    Fay Woodcroft is a British orphan, completely unaware for the first sixteen years of her life that she is a muggle witch. She is summoned to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry on her seventeenth birthday, and it is much, much more than she expects. When the Clash of Magic is announced, she must prove herself and learn to cope with a spine curling secret.

  • I Love Being a Turtle (Part 1)

    April is nine months pregnant and due to give birth at any moment, but that is not the only thing in store for the turtles. Their city is under attack, and someone they care about goes missing. (Based off the 2014 characters).

  • Trouble is Brewing

    While the rat's away, the turtles will play. But while the teens are having all their fun, they are completely unaware that a plan is being hatched to demolish the city. (Based on the 2014 movie characters)

  • The Tide Will Turn

    April is into her third month of pregnancy. Everything seems to be going well, but what she doesn't know is that the tide will turn in a few months and things will go downhill quickly...(Based on the 2014 movie characters)

  • Shell Shock (Part 2)

    Part 2. April enters the sewer to deliver the big news to Michelangelo. How will he take it? (Based on the 2014 movie characters)

  • Shell Shock (Part 1)

    Mikey and April think they're having a little harmless fun, but not everything is what it seems. (Based on the 2014 movie characters)

  • A TMNT New Year

    The turtles celebrate their first new year with April. Also they get drunk. A lot. (Based on the 2014 movie characters).

  • Crush

    The older turtle brothers give Mikey their version of 'the talk'. Also, April and Donnie talk about their relationship. (Based on the 2014 movie charcters)

  • Mikey's 50th Tattoo

    Mikey has decided to get his 50th tattoo and dedicate it to his girlfriend, April. April also learns a secret about Donatello. (Based on the 2014 movie characters)