Nyte Quill

  • Don't Mess with Mama

    my thoughts on Rusty being caught in the middle of two Sharons during "Zoo Story"

  • Unnamed File

    "John, how could you?" Sherlock gets into a file on John's computer and finds something very interesting. hope you like it. please R&R

  • The Write Stuff

    Hermione introduces Draco to the wonderful world of fanfiction. Dramione meta fic! my first (posted) work in the fandom. hope you like it.

  • Sick & Tired

    Alec Hardy is sick of waking up in hospital rooms... Hardy/Miller, future fic. (my first Broadchurch work, so be nice.) **Minor Series Spoilers** R&R

  • Dropping In

    'The first thing Clea realizes is that she's not dreaming. This is not her bed, or her room, or the black unconscious of a barroom floor. The second thing she realizes is that she's falling.' an OC drops in to see Thranduil, the Elven-King of Mirkwood. (mostly based on the depiction in the Hobbit film series. rated T for innuendo, just to be safe) R&R, and as always, enjoy!

  • Mom

    For only having three letters and one syllable, "mom" is a very big word. set during Trial by Fire. I feel like hugging Sharon Raydor.

  • Snow Angel

    What Walter was thinking during that moment in "Dominoes." cause you *know* he was thinking something...

  • Between the Lines

    Abraham gets a letter from Henry... and finds more than one meaning. based on the 2012 movie. enjoy!

  • Whipped

    "I am not your horse, Mr. Blythe." when Gilbert let the riding crop fly and Anne felt the sting through the layers of clothing, she felt something else too. and she wasn't the only one... CH 3 UP! this is based on the movies, not the books.

  • Press Your Lips Between the Bars of My Caged Heart

    a slanted look at Dr. Du Maurier's visit to Will in "Sakizuki." rated T to be safe. my first Hannibal fic, so be gentle.

  • Catch Me- I'm Falling For You

    Angels are love. Angels can fall. But angels are never supposed to fall in love. Paul's thoughts during "Identity Crisis." enjoy!

  • Things I'll Never Say

    my read on Paul and Jane's scene on the balcony. follow-up to 'Catch Me- I'm Falling for You'. minor spoilers for "Identity Crisis" enjoy!

  • Caged Heat

    a twist on Cary and Alicia's interactions in the elevator at Florrick/Agos from "The Deep Web." complete... for now. enjoy!

  • Am I Walking to Your Door?

    Where Alicia went when she walked away at the end of "The Deep Web" hope you like it!

  • I Follow in the Footsteps You Branded on My World

    Morgan and Pierre and the music that moves their world...

  • Firefly Song

    River was supposed to end up on the TARDIS, but her vortex manipulator had put her on the wrong ship. She manages to have a decidedly River effect on everyone while she's on board. couldn't sleep. wrote this. hope you like it. each chapter will be a new group or character interaction. Rated T to be safe. they're all in it, but I can only choose 4 characters.

  • Game

    Lee Holloway left Florida for a new town: Gotham. and what was waiting for her was beyond anything she could dare to imagine... a Secretary/Batman xover. WARNINGS: dark, violent, sexual content.

  • You Put Your Arms Around Me and I'm Home

    Rusty and Sharon's goodbye. contains *spoilers* for "Return to Sender: Part 1" sort-of companion piece to "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda" enjoy!

  • They're Not Our Role Models Anymore

    Cary and Alicia's little flirt at the table during "Parallel Construction". hope you like it. please R&R.

  • Assume the Position

    an extended scene from that flirty line of Jamie's during 'Insult to Injury'. hope you like it. please R&R.