
  • Valentine's day!

    "Hey Sasuke! What do you think they're taking so long for?" Naruto asked, "Maybe you should call Hinata and find out, genius." Shikamaru said... What's going on? Read and Review! :) T- to be safe, Pairing(s): #1. Naruto U. & Hinata H.! #2. Sasuke U. & Sakura H.! #3. Shikamaru N. & Ino Y.! P.S: I will write more if wanted... ;)

  • Early Mornings

    I wrote this awhile back after watching the movie, and obsessing over the game again... Yeah. Anyway! It's Cloti Family fluff! So enjoy! R&R! Constructive criticism is welcome! Flame for all i care, a review's a review! XD Thx! BTW, this is the first of many i haven't posted... Really short. Sorry 'bout 'dat. :/

  • OneShots & Chapter Fics!

    Just a bunch of really fun fics i'll be posting, i wrote this one like to seconds ago... Yeah. Enjoy! Summary: Deadly Flowers: Snotlout gives Astrid some flowers... What does Hiccup do? Has not been Beta'ed...

  • Birthdays

    Just a little something i made up for my Nee-Chan's birthday... Happy B-day Nee-Chan! 3 It's Naruhina. Summary: Hide and Seek. Hinata noted, it was one of her favorite games. R&R! Thx!

  • (Family Crisis' The Series) Baby's Firsts: Teething

    I compiled a large amount of Naruto fics' on my PC. So i plan to post them one by one. Hope you enjoy! BTW, It hasn't be Beta'ed. Summary: Naruto's chubby little cheeks were flushed, fat hot tears rolling down his face as he hiccuped softly into Kushina's shoulder. "It's okay. You're alright." ...Read & Review! I'll give you cookies?

  • Shock

    Cute little oneshot. I wrote it awhile back but never got around to posting it. But it's here now. So please read it? Ne? R&R. It's really short, 704 words to be exact...

  • What Happens When I Am Bored

    Summary: James is bored... and he kills his boredom with the help of his cousin and a lovely feather quill... um...what? Enjoy the mindless family fluff! It's kind of a crack-fic...

  • Babysitting Lexie

    Summary: Ben ends up babysitting his little sister for his dad and new step-mom. Oh, no big deal. Just babysitting a scary baby that has a tendency of climbing walls... This'll be a piece of cake. NOT.

  • A Hinny Fic!

    Summary: Harry and Ginny find themselves in London a little too close to Halloween... (P.S: I might dump some other Harry Potter fics here in the future... Maybe.) (If you squint, there is mentions of James S. Potter.) Enjoy!

  • Birthday Wishes

    Crack-fic for my lovely elder sister's birthday! R&R!

  • NALU Fluff!

    Just a cute OneShot i wrote after being inspired by a picture. XD R&R!

  • Cold Fingers

    Another oneshot! I've got a bunch more just collecting dust, so i'll sometime next week or something get around to posting them! So yeah! Enjoy this mindlessly fluffy NALU ficlet!

  • Fear (Listen)

    Summary: I'm too tired to think of one... It's based on the new episode "Listen". Whouflee, K so on and so forth... Enjoy! 11th&Clara... Adorable! 3

  • Enemies

    (Summary: Shiraiyuki, is a Shinigami of squad 13. Trying to ignore her past and look to her future. And with the impending danger of "Rogue", a dangerous threat, Shiraiyuki juggles certain death and a new found crush on one of the enemy! What!) Read & Review! T-for blood.

  • My Little Men Recovered

    Spending time at the Rockbell's had always been fun. And seeing Winry was definitely a bonus... "Silly Boys..." K . ENJOY the family cuteness! :)

  • Christmas,

    Naruto and Hinata are spending Christmas together as a couple doing...work. Not out on a date at Ichiraku's, like someone wished. So... They make the most of the situation and have a little fun... Tickle Fight! NAruHina Fluff! K . Enjoy! R&R!