
  • The Ronan War: Bandit King of Fire

    Rickert and Corkus find themselves captured by bandits. However these bandits prove to be more than such.T hey are an army of Ronans led by their King and his brothers seeking to cross Midland to settle a score with the ones who massecred their people. A story of brothers, blood and loyalty, and coming to terms with one's past. (Set just a few months after Guts' joining the Hawks)

  • Sabita

    Just pure smut. Sabal and Amita get into another argument and well...didn't I just say it was pure smut? Sabita I call it. Please read and review and just enjoy.

  • An Ode to Co-op

    So far...a oneshot. Mikhail meets Vaas in this little piece and introductions do not go as smoothly as they could have. If you like dog fights, come on in.