

  • High Score

    Lon'qu may have beaten Stahl's high score, but that doesn't mean he's actually won. / Modern AU where Stahl and Lon'qu are high school gaming boyfriends. Rated M for sexual content.

  • One Month

    Nishinoya was always a bit confrontational; Azumane, not so much. At least he was honest though, right?

  • Crime in Progress

    "I fucked up. I fucked up big time Shinkai..." His voice cracks, running a hand through his dark hair. It's longer now, reaching his shoulders and framing his slim face down to his jaw; Shinkai wants to run his hands through it. "I killed someone." / Criminal AU Arakita x Shinkai. Rated M for Violence and Sexual Content.

  • I Miss You

    "I missed when it was just the two of us." Dick Grayson/Wally West. Rated M for Sexual Content.