
  • Lithasblot and Old Lace

    Thor is invited to an Asgardian festival, at which important inter-realm negotiations are to take place, with Jane Foster's household attending. But when an assassination attempt leaves no one safe from suspicion, it's up to an unlikely collaboration to illuminate a grave threat at hand. 2014 Update: Sequel in progress, titled In the Absence of Belief, He Plays.

  • Thawed

    Prompted to do a thing on Loki/Elsa friendship, this is what I came up with. Drabbley. I see Elsa as someone who, once she's stabilized in her own right, like at the end of the movie, could teach Loki a thing or two.

  • Faux-pas

    The assassin known as the Winter Soldier has been retrained and shaped to fit SHIELD's ranks, while Darcy Lewis is now a fledgling agent. When a mission arises that pairs the two of them together, who's the bigger danger? Guest cameo of Tasertricks hints.

  • In the Absence of Belief, He Plays

    Short sequel to Lithasblot and Old Lace. In the several months following Hoder's defeat, recovery efforts have brought Darcy and Loki significantly closer. Now, on the eve of Yule, a cosmos-wide summit is in Asgard. But a sinister being has his sights set on the attendees, and the duo must again solve a dangerous mystery before the clock runs out for the victims. Complete.

  • Budapesti

    After the events in D.C., Natasha's got to make a choice: keeping spinning the lies that form others' webs, or create her own? Sort of established Clintasha, can be seen as friendship.

  • Polishing in Progress

    The metal arm is the star here, as we see what happens when the company of the avengers starts to thaw winter's chill. Rating for like, one curse word.

  • Numerical Values

    Short drabbley look at the soldier rebuilding himself, one muttered number at a time.

  • Risky Business

    All is never what it seems on a mission that concerns an unpredictable intern and a master of mischief. Prompt fill from tumblr. Established Tasertricks and way post-Avengers.