
  • Bloody tears of a legend

    A short story of what could have happened to Undertaker's first one true love and how he became a legend. More information regarding the latter in the author's note. Some sort of UndertakerXGrell in the end.

  • Immobility

    The title suggests much. Our favorite Undertaker has an accident...or was it an accident? Who knows? He experiences lingering effects which come and go in some sort of attack on his body. Undertaker's POV in the first chapter. GrellXUndertaker

  • Looks can be deceiving

    Two muggers, a gun and our Undertaker. Who will overpower who? The answer is rather obvious. Just for fun ;)

  • I miss you every day

    Undertaker thinks back about something that went wrong in his past human life. Based on a song (more info inside). UndertakerxClaudia...sort of

  • Cabinets and closets

    Break finds out he can use cabinets and closets instead of doors! Just a short meaningless oneshot.

  • Pins

    Break has Enetophobia or in other words: a 'fear of pins.' and what happens when Oz, Gil and Alice bring back a pin-up board and of course...pins? (Some pranking involved)

  • Death comes to us all

    Dying in your sleep is the most beautiful death...if you're alone. But he wasn't alone, he had a lover by his side whose soul died right along with him. GrellxUndertaker *Warnings: Character death

  • Broken past

    This is a part of Undertaker's past as a shinigami. Written in Undertaker's POV (Point of view). Just a one-shot

  • Smile, red reaper

    Late in the evening he would look in the mirror and lift his mask. Removing his makeup revealing a pale tired face. Everyone thought of him as annoying and tiresome but he didn't care, Grell smiled anyway. No one knew his real self. His grey world he tried to paint red. Is Grell truly happy?

  • Under-cat-taker

    Only one thing can get the undertaker crying. Title says much but not all hee hee :)

  • Blind magic

    Break gets his left eye back :)) I don't need to say more at that ;) Just a oneshot