
  • A Need For Memories

    Used to be Reading With The Trio but I changed the title. There will be no text from the book in the story but there will be information where the text should be. paragraph #- self-explanatory (I don't count dialogue lines as paragraphs they're seperate) dialogue- 1-2 sentences spoken by one person dialogue set- 3 or more sentences spoken by one person

  • For Those Left Behind

    A desperate prayer yields an unexpected result.

  • When You Have Nothing Left To Lose

    Shortly after Sirius's death, Harry makes a wish and a book is sent back to the summer before his parents' seventh year. As with my other fiction, the text from the book will not be included but the paragraphs will be numbered and when there is dialogue to start a paragraph I will state who is speaking or if it is unknown I will give a brief description of the person

  • A Senshi's Promise

    none as of yet.

  • Second Chances

    None yet.

  • Reading With The Trio

    The Trio goes back in time to read Half-Blood Prince with the Marauders minus Peter , Lily, Severus, Frank, Alice, Arthur, Molly, and Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall. This is not my story. All credit goes to orchidtani.

  • When You Have Nothing Left To Lose 2: Goblet of Fi

    The continue reading the books.

  • When You Have Nothing Left To Lose

    Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus read a book that was sent to them in order to change a horrendous future. POA because it's my favorite.

  • Heart of a Warrior

    Sirius rescues Harry from the Dursleys and more. read the story to find out. Originally part of "Only A Memory Away".

  • Only A Memory Away

    James visits Sirius in Azkaban and tries to comfort him. Then Sirius goes to find Harry and something miraculous happens.

  • Why Life is Unfair

    Various points of view from different people on Halloween, 1981.

  • No Looking Back

    Continues on right after the funeral in Book Six.

  • Can't Stop Loving You

    Ginny's feelings as Harry leaves.

  • When All Hope is Gone

    Someone special returns to Hogwarts.

  • When A Wish Comes From the Heart

    Harry makes a wish that sends him back in time

  • Harry Potter from the view of Albus Dumbledore

    The view of Albus Dumbledore from October 31, 1981 on