
  • OneMonthMarriage

    All seventh year Hogwarts students have to participate in a One Month Marriage project at school in order to learn how to take care of themselves. And Lily Evans is paired with her worst nightmare... James Potter. Chapter 5 Up!

  • Blood vs Blood

    Sequel to Voldemort's GrandaughteR! Voldemort kidnaps one of his great-grandsons and turns him to the dark side then sends him to Hogwarts! What is he planning now?

  • Fate

    Lily and James have hated each other for what seems forever, for numerous reasons. For Instance they both have top grades, and to both of their disgust they are both heads. When they get lost and have to work together what will happen? chapter 14 up bette

  • Messing With The Past

    Harry's dead parents come to him in the middle of the night to inform him that Voldemort is trying to kill them in their seventh year at school while she is pregnant with Harry. Will he be able to save them then and now? Please r/r!!

  • Complications

    Ginny and Harry are in a relationship well at least Harry thinks so until he gets a letter from Sirius telling him that Ginny has been cheating on him! Is Ginny afraid of comitment or is it more than it seems! Please rr!

  • Voldemort's Grandaughter

    Voldemort has a grandaughter and she just found out!!! Will she choose to follow him or be against him like her parent's!?!?!?!?!?!? *Chapter 6 up*

  • The Other Power

    Kelsey Burton is starting her third year at Hogwarts with Harry. She just found out that she is a witch and is very powerful but she knows things but isn't sure what she can stop from happening w/out killing some1 *chapter 2 up*

  • Unreturned Feelings

    A Ginny and Harry fic!! What happens when Harry finds Ginny's dairy?!?!?!?! Pleas r/r!!!

  • Truth or Dare

    What happens between Harry and Ginny in an innocent game of truth or dare?