
  • Final Farewell

    Albus Dumbledore reflects ont he lives of those who he has left behind.

  • Consolation Prize

    After a radio competition goes awry, Ginny must help Draco figure out who has set out to destroy his company. WRITTEN FOR 2009 D/GFICEXCHANGE.

  • Late Night Swim

    Ana likes to go for late night swims. This time Hood is there to catch her.

  • Stolen Notes

    Five years ago Ginny Weasley disappeared from Harry Potter and the Wizarding World. What happens when she is found, a hidden passion and a forbidden relationship are revealed?

  • Wherever You Will Go

    Draco Malfoy watched his wife twirling around the room with her brother, Bill, a dazzling smile plastered on her thin face. He could hear her breathing was still slightly ragged from her impromptu dance with Bill. He frowned. She was getting weaker.

  • Liquid Courage

    Draco Malfoy sauntered into the dimly lit pub in the newly rebuilt Diagon Alley. He just needed a little bit of liquid courage before he did it. Or perhaps a lot.

  • Walk Through the Fire

    song fic to Joss Whedon's 'Walk Through the Fire'. I touch the fire and it freezes me. I look into it and it's black. Why can't I feel? My skin should crack and peel. I want the fire back

  • Ghost and Mirrors

    I could tell you that I regretted it. Regretted every moment I spent in his arms. That there was no nostalgia. I could tell you I was naïve. I could tell you I regretted it, wished it never happened. That I never let him near me but that would be a lie.