Harry Ashhworth Black

  • Some incidents can change your life

    Harry is frustrated at everyone's reaction to his name coming out of the Goblet. However, he did not anticipate that he would meet someone who would change the entire course of his life. Read the story of a more pro-active,logical and ruthless Harry Potter who will eliminate his enemies at any cost. Harry/OC. Will try to minimize bashing,but still it will be there.

  • Get Ready to Fight

    It is Harry's 6th year and he is fed up of manipulations, half-truths, arrogant teachers and Voldy's death munchers. This story features a rebellious, belligerent, headstrong, dark, powerful Harry who won't take any nonsense from anyone, and who won't rest in peace until Voldemort and his deatheaters are eliminated. AU story. Harry/Daphne pairing. Snape and Dumbledore bashing.

  • Ronald Weasley Reloaded

    It is 5th year and Ron Weasley is inebriated and feeling very upset due to not being able to perform well as a keeper. What if at that moment, he unexpectedly meets a woman who inspires him to be the best version of himself, who motivates him and helps him improve as a keeper, and who makes him happy? AU. OOC Ron/ Slytherin OFC. Eventually Dark, Powerful, Intelligent Ron.

  • Sometimes Violence is the only solution

    It is 5th year and Harry is fed up with adopting a passive approach regards to the nonsense that has been going around him. No longer will he be content with being an innocent, angsty, lucky and mediocre teenager. Read the story of a rebellious, dark, shrewd, intelligent and manipulative Harry who takes charge of his life and won't be quiet until Voldemort is eliminated.

  • An unusual friendship

    Harry is ostracized by almost everyone when his name comes out of the Goblet of Fire. But he finds solace and comfort from a totally unexpected person, who helps Harry a lot in discovering his true potential. Ultimately Harry emerges more stronger and wiser than ever before with a broad-minded outlook. This story is Alternate Universe(AU) with a loose relationship with canon.

  • Looking beyond labels

    Harry is fed up with Umbridge and the other ministry morons and their stupid propaganda against him. While coming back from his detentions, he ends up rescuing a girl who changes his complete perception of the wizarding world and ends up altering his life for the better. Both of them get to know each other & realize that labels mean nothing and it is the person that counts.

  • Harry Potter and the quirky aura specialist

    Hermione and Ron had dismissed his claims when Harry told them his suspiction about Draco Malfoy being a deatheater. What if Harry had shared his conviction with another friend who not only believed him instantly but also decided to actively help him? This story starts at the middle of Harry's 6th year, at Slughorn's Christmas party. Alternate Universe(AU) story. Harry/Luna.

  • Ronald Weasley Reloaded

    The brain attack at Department of Mysteries influences Ron more than what anyone can imagine. It features a powerful, intelligent, mature and cooler Ron Weasley who takes charge. Contains Dumbledore bashing. AU. This story is for Ron Weasley fans who feel that this character has been bashed far too many times. Ron/Daphne

  • The Cute Bookworm and the enigmatic Ferret

    Hermione Granger is a pretty, bushy-haired, rule-abiding and studious first year girl. However, at Halloween, an incident happens which shocks her to the core. Perceptions are altered and mysteries are unveiled as Hermione Granger tries her best to understand the enigmatic prat extraordinaire, the 'Wait until my father hears of this' slytherin prince, Draco Lucius Malfoy. Dramione

  • The Masked Vigilantes

    Harry Potter has been feeling quite depressed ever since he saw Sirius falling through the veil at the Department of Mysteries. However, things are going to get better for him as he gets unexpected allies, and shocking surprises which completely change his worldview. This story is going to be an Alternate Universe story which might loosely follow the canon plot. Harry/Daphne.