
  • Cursed Flames

    The curse that struck Hermione Granger in the Department of Mysteries had unexpected consequences. This is based on a prompt from The Death Eater Express FB group.

  • Love is Everything in Between

    Life is made up of everyday moments, and loving someone is no different. Hermione and Charlie are reminded of this through day to day interactions.

  • Teaching Hogwarts to be Proud

    What happens when progressive Beauxbatons students get stuck in Scotland for a year? They provide a crash course in inclusion to the Hogwarts student body.

  • A Chaotic Mind

    Snape teaches Hermione Occlumency and is surprised by what he finds.

  • Don't Panic

    Some days life is a lot and the triggers to a breakdown can come from the smallest of things. Hermione Granger is not an exception.

  • But Why?

    Wizarding Britain is a backwards, unwelcoming place. Entering this world from the muggle one can be a bit of a shock. Hermione Granger was not raised to accept the status quo without question.

  • Cursed Flames retry

    The curse that struck Hermione Granger in the Department of Mysteries had unexpected consequences. This is based on a prompt from The Death Eater Express group on FB.

  • Moving Forward

    The losses and traumas of war left their marks on everyone. Although their experiences differ, Hermione Granger and George Weasley built a friendship from the after effects. Some days moving on is easy, and others it seems impossible. But as long as they keep moving forward, the easy days become more frequent. Sequel to Left Behind

  • A Reunion To Forget

    Just your typical, uncomfortable boarding school reunion.

  • Left Behind

    Everyone responds to loss differently, and George is the focus point for the Weasley clan after the loss of his twin.