
  • AKHSI Chronicles: A Marvelous Stellar Fantasy

    A man awakens to familiar yet strangely different worlds. Forces beyond took interest in the darkness within his heart, yet a flicker of light shone brightly deep inside it. Lost in both life and purpose, he must discover his invincible courage, the stalwart kindness, and the inner strength to face all adversaries. More Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, and Squeenix stuffs awaits you.

  • Hybrid Insector: Shiin Rider Academia

    Kazamatsuri Shiin, son of Shin, pondered his existence in a world of supers. He decided to carve his destiny as a Kamen Rider, and UA Academy might help him with that. The future can be good, bad, and ugly; yet he's determined to push on. Helping people is what Kamen Riders do, and Shiin hopes he does his predecessors proud, and gain new friends.

  • Shin-ZO-J: Showa Riders Grand Glorious Gathering

    Full title Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Shin-ZO-J Showa Riders Grand Glorious Gathering. The son of Kamen Rider Shin has been kidnapped, and what happens as he rescue him involves ALL of the Showa Riders. What they shall encounter will determine the fate of the world. Showa era characters galore!


    Team JNPR were assigned on an urgent mission by the famed brother-sister hunter duo of Orchid and Jago to investigate a mysterious island, rumored to be haunted. Unknown to them, a certain company already had its greedy hands on it ages ago. There they face two fearsome opponents...

  • Kamen Rider x Cutey Honey: First Meeting

    One-shot for Tumblr/deviantArt User Feulin. She ships Hongo x Honey, and I find the pairing irresistibly cute. This is my take on how they first met. You may think I should tag it as romance, but those two aren't the "Love at first sight" type, you know? Anyway, enjoy the story! Cover image by Feulin