Puella Pulchra

  • Eliza: The Vampire Child

    Years before season 2 of Buffy, the Scourge came across a young teen living on the streets of London. Now, decades later, Dru, Spike, and their 'daughter', are in Sunnydale to cure Drusilla from the events of Prague. OC, and AU.

  • The Victorian Slayer

    A slayer who died in the late 1800s is brought back by the PTB after she spends six months getting used to the late 1990's she's sent to Sunnydale... just in time for Spike and Drusilla to stroll into town.

  • In Order to Be Your Hero I Must Be The Villain

    Sequel to I'm Sorry I Couldn't be Your Hero. Max has to do one more thing before the Villain League will give him what he wants. Can he do it? Or will the loyalty he holds to his family hinder him in his plans?

  • My Little Winter Sprite One Shots

    One shots that take place in my MLWS (My Little Winter Sprite) universe. One shots happen before and After the story. So Read and Review. Ch. 21 A look into Jack's time with Pitch

  • The Vampire's Daughter

    When Spike and Drusilla break up over the disagreement of how best to treat a young child, Spike takes the child and leaves. Years later after a soulful Spike is badly injured in Prague, the girl takes him to Sunnydalein the hopes that the energy from the Hellmouth will restore him to health. (Ch. 3 Reuploaded!) Title originally Vampire and His Human Child.

  • The Asgardian and the Agent

    Thor was far from the first Asgardian to be banished from Asgard. 70 years before him was a woman. Accused of a crime she didn't commit, she was banished to earth away from her lover, her family and her home. When she is found by the SSR she finds herself having to make a choice, run and continue running or join the SSR and help them defeat those who would destroy earth.

  • My Little Winter Sprite

    The daughter of Sophie Bennett and Jack Frost runs away after she loses control of her powers at school. When Sophie becomes aware that Pitch is also after the girl she must assemble the Guardians to help get her daughter back or risk losing her daughter to Pitch forever. Titlecard(removespaces): www.rinmarugames . com / playgame . php ? game link mega - anime - avatar - creator