
  • Through Dust and Flames

    Sometimes I wish for a little bit of piece. My mind is fragile and is crumbling as I speak. Keep in mind that I have known you in dreams. I love your smile and your kind heart. But, you should know to fear me like the nightmares that haunt you as you sleep. For I am the Song Bird little dove. Stay pure in heart; remember me through dust and flames.

  • Disoriented

    Annabelle has been tortured for over a year after her family was taken away from her. She now thinks her only purpose is to make sure her family is safe and that no body belongs to their own. Rattlesnake Jake has been having strange dreams about little Annabelle. And doesn't know why. There is a puzzle to put together. And a game to play with someone who has been broken.

  • Slowly Falling

    The little dove flew through the night...only to be caught by the crow. The crow cawed menacingly, the dove cried out for help. No one came. No one heard. Except for the Song Bird.

  • Change Nothing Into Something

    Keep moving even when others stop. Annabelle has named this as her advice ever sense her mother died when she was seven. Now at eight years old, she has changed for the worsed. But, when she crosses path with a young thirteen year old girl, her life changes completely. The mysterious girl wishes to help the young girl no matter what. However, is Annabelle too far gone to help?