

  • To Save A Life

    Mine was the quiet bookworm who was outcastes for no good reason. But, how does she end up in the Homra family... And how does she loose everything? This thrilling tale is one of sadness, joy, loss and love. Mikoto/OC

  • My Life at the Museum

    Larry and Erica adopted their four year old niece after her mother died and her father didn't want her around. Years have passed and now she's kind but also an awesome girl with colored hair and combat boots. When it's revealed to her that the Museum, her life will change forever. Eventual Ahkmenrah X OC

  • Your Fault

    She was there for the Battle of Chicago four years ago, and now the things that killed her husband are bringing it all back when her brother-in-law found one. Optimus/OC

  • Not All Spirits Are Evil

    Sam and Dean are sent to a town that their father had previously hunted at. A young Native American woman has gone missing and now they must find her. Dean/OC

  • An Angel

    One moment you're messing with your little brothers and then the next, you're on another planet in some old TV show. Then there's a prophecy and your twin is with the... Dark Side? Rex/OC

  • Abduction

    One moment I'm in church being bored to death, the next my life is actually in peril. Fun. Chekov/OC

  • Better as a Memory

    I came here with knowledge of another world, but it was stolen from me. Now, I must survive the end of this world and make it to Paradise. Tsume/OC

  • Fang Paw's Mission

    The Girls have just saved countless lives and now, Fang Paw is needed to find a crystal that's could turn the war with the Darkness and the Light forever. But the world she goes into to find it, is hostile and dangerous.

  • How The Heck did this happen?

    Leo was at home sick while her roommates were out for the weekend. Riddick was on that hellhole of a planet. Unknown to them their lives will tangle, and possibly hang them both. Riddick/OC

  • Kidnapping a Marine's Fiancée

    Takes place a few years after Jack Knife. Werth has picked his life together but people from his past bring it crashing back down. Can Gibbs and the Team help him? Werth/OC

  • Little Luna

    Ichigo and Rukia check out an abandoned mansion, that turns out not to be so abandoned. Three beings live there and one just might be what they're tracking. Eventual Renji/OC

  • More Adventures of Dusky

    Dusky's epic story continues after her coronation. Unrest in her people, new kingdoms, up rises and the amirkwood Elves. Legolas/OC

  • Poetry

    At the beginning, we see the case of Kathrine Love being solved. Then, Maggie Rodgers moves into the flat across the street, and things become very interesting... Sherlock/OC probable OCC-ness because I'm only human.

  • Sara's Fairy Tail

    Someone from the guild finds a young girl passed out on the side of the street and helps her by taking her back to the guild. Only, they aren't the only ones interested in her. It's a race against the clock, and only the guild can help her. Loke /Leo and OC

  • The End of Joni Matthews

    One moment the sky is filled with fire that rains down upon her, the next she feels nothing. With Joni's family surely dead, she must now struggle with language barriers, distrust, and you know surviving that crazy ninja-filled world. Kakashi/OC

  • Wolf Guard GOD member

    Nicole survived The Avengers and is back like she promised. She gets a panicked call from Tony and then after saving the world with him, a stranger wants to claim her for his own. Goes from Iron Man 3 to Thor Dark World and ends in Captain America 2. Loki/OC

  • Not Daddy's Little Girl

    Kala McKinley was a young mutant-After her mother passes away from Breast Cancer, she goes to Xavier's School for Gifted Children in hopes that they will be able to help her with her suppressed powers. What Kala didn't know was that her powers are much more than she could ever imagine. Self-HarmTrigger Warning! Wolverine/OC, WolverineXOC.

  • Crash

    Paradise was open, life is god for the pack. Amber was on vacation with her family, when their car crashes and her life will change forever. Tsume/OC Cover was googled, link inside