
  • Turbulence

    Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has cautioned that all aerial appendages be secured. We are now crossing a zone of turbulence. Please keep all arms and legs within a safe distance of your person. This message is brought in part by the fact that those with wings will often experience interruptions of smooth sailing. Have a pleasant flight and thank you for choosing Butterfly Bog.

  • The Percentage of Adventure

    Everything in life seems to work by percentages. Fall or land. Win or lose. Death or adventure. And when you're an elite four penguin team living life one moment to the next, statistics are all you have. This may be why, despite the accuracy of charts and numbers and science and leaders, it's easy to forget that family is something statistics rarely predict. Movieverse Oneshots

  • The History of Now

    "Sherman, every great relationship starts from a place of conflict and evolves into something richer." Even if that relationship is between a father and a son who, to the world, are just a dog and his boy. One shot series of moments between the pair to show how much this little sentence is true. Hurt/comfort, but suggestions are taken.