
  • Who Killed Cock Robin?

    The Nursery Rhyme Ripper has been caught but...Natalya couldn't have possibly done it. Not Alfred's girl...right? "I don't think it matters anymore. Chief's angry and got a special place on death row for her." And if she's innocent? What then? "Well I sure hope I'm not next, cut up in a box is no way to die."

  • Avalon

    "Don't do this, Alfred!" The boy looked down at him sadly, "My name isn't Alfred. Not anymore. That person is...dead. My name is Mordred. And the next time we meet, we'll be enemies. Don't you forget that." Oh Alfred...if I had...If Arthur had understood. Had he seen the horrible things going on in your mind, could this tragedy have been avoided? [Camelot AU]

  • The Witch of Sicily

    There were still whispers, rumors that the witch of Sicily remained in that forest, cursing all who would come near. It was a place many feared to tread, treated almost as sacred ground. Only fools would dare incite the wrath of the witch by entering that place. Only fools...and pirates. (Spain/Romano)

  • Little Mermaid

    Tachibana Makoto was really just an ordinary boy. He had a wonderful family and had great friends. He believed he was ordinary and admittedly, rather bland by all definitions. So what's with this mermaid who seems so intent on following him? Warnings of OOC-ness and bad stuff with first stories. HaruxMako (Undergoing rewrite)

  • Dad Knows Best

    A little side story to the other fic, Little Mermaid by yours truly, in which Makoto's family is home when Makoto brings Haruka home from the pier. Misunderstandings that might not be misunderstandings and condoms make it a pretty awkward situation for Makoto, but as they always say, "Dad knows best"….right? ('Tis a oneshot)