


    A firefly Fanfiction. Rated T for violence. Original Characters. Join the crew of Avandra as they struggle to survive in a Post Miranda Verse. I do not have any rights to firefly or serenity. The way I see it, no one does... cept Joss. I implore you to criticize my writing style, story pacin', and especially my adherence to canon...

  • Advent Rising - TCT

    A very short and disjointed story about Artificial Intelligence

  • The Legend Of Zelda - The Darkness of Consequence

    AU (But aren't they all?) My take on a Futuristic Hyrule that is under full Ganon control, because of the inaction of the Prophesized Hero. Rated T for Violence (Ganondorf is Very Evil). Please feel free to review. I do not profit from this non canon fiction. also, I'm sorry it ends so abruptly :( I'll draw up a cover image to make up for it. It'll be cool I promise.

  • Mega Man - No Peace

    AU. I'm oldschool megaman. X is cool too. But this is my rendition of the original Blue Bomber. I've pulled terms from the X series to help flesh out the tale. Witness as Dr. Wily destroys Dr. Lights career, forcing the Good Doctor to take his greatest creations and save a world that shunned him and his ideals. Rated T for eventual Robot on Human Violence. Please Review.