

  • Good fortune the Extended version

    Exactly what the title says. This is a second version of the original in which I have attempted and am attempting to expand on points, fluff things out with descriptions, maybe get Fleur involved more at the start etc. Very A/U Will contain mature themes, possibly triggers I don't really know. Fair warning: Not for sensitive souls. Will also have few author notes (hopefully).

  • Good fortune is a double edged sword

    A bit of a mash of a load of things that I have either read or experienced, be it fanfiction, novels, fairytales or lunchtime banter with friends has snowballed leading to this monstrosity. Fair warning, it shall be eventual femslash, shall include swearing, abuse, mentions of non-con and rape etc. Not for sensitive souls. This is out of my hands entirely, I don't know what will be