
  • Power of Winter Rewrite

    Andrea Scott grew up in Angel Grove, where Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, and many others tried to take over the world. After Lothor, an evil, banished ninja, comes to Blue Bay Harbor, it becomes time for Andi to pick up a morpher, herself. She grew up watching her big brother save the world. Now, it's her turn. Ninja Storm AU Hunter/OC Blake/Tori

  • The Power Within

    Jamie had known the Power Rangers all her life, although she didn't know who they were until she herself had to become one. Now with three of her friends leaving, to be replaced with three new Rangers, Jamie must learn what it means to be a Power Ranger, and maybe even fall in love? Tommy/Kimberly Adam/OC

  • Winter's Panic

    Hunter and Andy are still figuring each other out. But there's one thing about Andy that could be potentially dangerous. At least she has Hunter there to help her through it. Warning: Panic Attacks

  • Forever Road

    When American Muggle-Born Ryanne Scott began her schooling at Hogwarts, she only had her books and her new friendship with Fred and George Weasley. But an eventual attraction to one of the twins she calls her best friends threaten to ruin her Hogwarts experience. Well, that and the rise of a dark Wizard who everyone thought had died years before.