
  • Facebook Conversations

    What happens when the Harry Potter Characters get facebook. Hilarity will ensue. willing to take requests of people you'd love to see

  • Chremastistophilia

    chremastistophilia - is a paraphilia whereby sexual arousal is obtained from being robbed, being held up. Rated T due to alcohol consumption (mentioned), nothing graphic is depicted in this.

  • Dear Aunt Hermione

    Lily Luna has a question for her Aunt Hermione

  • The Kiss

    *Dialogue Only Fic* Hermione and Cho have an argument

  • Naked in Hogwarts

    The wizard council have heard about the hugely popular Program from America that has students in their high schools walking around naked. In a shock decision, they have planned to implement it into Hogwarts for a trial run.

  • We All Need a Bit Of Christmas

    Christmas cheer for the upcoming months. Various parings, characters and ratings.

  • Pages Of Life

    drabbles of Hermione/Sirius. Various different looks on their life - AU

  • Fix you

    Hermione has had a rough time, cue Harry trying to cheer her up. Rated T due to Alcohol.

  • Heavily Broken

    Pansy's internal dialogue. Warning - Rated T for one swear word and some suggested sex. Self-Loathing!Pansy

  • Lettere del passato

    Letters to the Malfoy family, from their younger selves. Lettere Del Passato means Letters From the Past. Lucius, Narcissa and Draco

  • Burning Embers

    The burning ember in the fireplace of Ravenclaws common room caught her attention. She both loved and hated when the summer months turned cold. You see, Luna Lovegood had a secret.

  • Bella Notte

    Seamus and Dean spend a night in the RoR

  • I gotta Feeling

    Rose and Scorpius meet while on a holiday. Spending the night at a party had never been so fun.

  • How To Save A Life

    Severus reflects on his memory of Lily.

  • Lost in This Dance

    Hermione disappears from the Wizarding world, only to land back on the Weasley's doorstep years later. eventual H/Hr

  • Rain, Rain, Go Away

    Sirius and Dorcus share a moment together in the rain.

  • Last Friday Night

    Written for LunaRocks14's Last Friday Night challenge. Charlie tries to remember what happened the night before.

  • Untold Words

    Minerva writes a letter to her dead son. Deals with Miscarriage

  • A Marriage to Remember

    The one word Hermione Jean Granger never thought she would hear from a certain blond Slytherin, even in passing. That is, until he finally asked her. HGDM

  • White Christmas

    Harry and Draco share a tender moment at Christmas.