
  • The Haunting of the Night Marchers of Kualoa

    When two of Five-O's detectives find themselves in a precarious situation with men hired to execute them, their only hope of survival lies in the hands of the spirits of ancient Hawaiian warriors, but will they be allowed to live to tell the tale? A challenge response for Halloween inspired by challenges set out in The Coconut Wireless Forum and Memories of Hawaii Five-O website.

  • The Call of Duty

    One of the most dangerous situations a cop could find himself in is answering a domestic disturbance call. A busy night for San Francisco's finest sees Detective Dan Robbins take the call of duty in a seedy neighborhood without his partner by his side. One-shot, written in response to a writers challenge. Warning: Contains child abuse.

  • Such is the Everyday Life of a Five-O Secretary

    For Jenny Sherman, being Five-O's secretary meant more to her than just a regular job. Something light and fluffy inspired by a screen-cap.

  • I'll Be Home For Christmas

    When a young woman bearing a close resemblance to Jeannie Stone collapses outside a cafe, it becomes apparent that she was murdered and whoever was responsible for her death is out to seek vengeance on Mike. Steve vows to help Mike find his daughter, who has gone missing, and bring her home safe and sound before another attempt is made on her life.

  • You Have A lot to Learn, Buddy Boy!

    Mike finds Steve's latest predicament rather amusing. A response to a writer's challenge.

  • In the Name of Medicine

    Just how far will people go if they were on the verge of finding a miracle cure for an illness plaguing the world? It's up to Hawaii's top cop to stop evil in its tracks with the help of one crusty coroner. A one-shot scene in response to the Five-O Anniversary Challenge.

  • What Keeps the Good Doctor Away?

    A series of short stories that highlights Doc Bergman's dealings with Five-O detectives as a physician and as a coroner.

  • Lokelani

    A single red rose creates an air of mystery at the office on Valentine's Day.

  • No Time Like The Present

    What could possibly be Steve's worst nightmare on Valentine's Day?