now with reviewers
Ash & Fammelit turns Numbuh 3's death! now with Daigo did it, Numbuh 1, 2, 4 & 5 kill Toiletnator. now with Numbuh 3 & Mushi are play together, Rena's death, Shingo and Horii jobs to Yazumi, Iruma's death killed by Huaman! Huaman kills Batman & Hua Ren ( and Yazumi)
now with forever winning
to be added
to be added
now with battle is year the winner is: Timmy! Shaun's dead in 2021
Gaim says: "HMMM!" Fire1 says: "Uh!" Gaim stupid in unlove
this is a story of KND look that! a penguins! what?
now with year 118 and after says "Yo!" Alpha's that