
  • Once Every Day

    Daily instances in which Anaak and Ran do not get along. One-shot birthday gift to Spring Zephyr.

  • A Little Less Than Ten Years

    Kuni wonders about the boy following him, and the questions just pile up. -One-shot-

  • Mom?

    Short instances where Koushi is called "mom" by his own teammates, and doesn't know how to respond.

  • Jewels

    A seemingly normal day at Card Capital takes a turn for the funny when Naoki brings up male Jewel Knights. (Based off a real conversation.)

  • Through the Water, To the Sky

    ADT Side-story: "The wind blows a different direction." In which Leon is confronted by Takuto weeks before his encounter with Void, and the course of fate is altered as such . Canon-AU, Leon-centric.

  • Delayed Celebration

    Manami forgets what Valentines day. At least, it seems like that.

  • One Way That Matters, Another That Doesn't

    It was one of those phases that you didn't want happening, when life just seemed like it wanted to mess with you and make you feel miserable. When there's someone you like, and you're pretty sure they don't like you. Manami hits this phase and isn't quite sure what to do about it. Luckily, he has someone to support him.

  • Piercing Stare

    If Airu can get whatever she wanted, Ryouma could at least make it difficult. He should really learn to lock his door, though.

  • Fur-lined Happy

    Kiri attends a Christmas party at Gao's house, and the conclusion wasn't one he was expecting.

  • A Melody and a Hug

    Otoya and Syo want a song for Halloween, and Cecil is unsuspecting. Composer!Cecil AU

  • Delayed Reaction

    Naoki could be pretty slow with these kind of things.

  • Pixie Dust

    In which Ren is an idiot who can do whatever he wants, even if it means pissing off Leon. And making Aichi sneeze.

  • Timing

    Zanya always had perfect timing, especially when it came to his brother.

  • Late Morning

    He's gotten tired of counting how many times this has happened. Jack always lecturing him about it didn't help either.

  • Of Food and Deck Building

    Gao ditched, so now Baku has to find a way to fill his empty stomach. Good thing he has a friend like Kiri.

  • Red Flower

    Akatsuki teaches Hana how to Buddyfight.

  • First Meeting Too Many

    Their first meeting was, in his opinion, rather memorable. Even if it only lasted through the introduction, and if you could call it one.