Nightosphere Princess

  • Quoth the Raven, Nevermore

    As fate and expectation aren't always the same, we have been given the ability to get lost in beautiful daydreams of what could have been.

  • Medieval Torture

    When he heard word of her death, the Lord of Evil sent his best demons to retrieve her body and bring it to him.

  • The Children's Hospital

    "There's not a place more famously unplayed in than a hospital playgroud, and there she was sitting on the swing set,"-The Fault In Our Stars. We were those kids nobody really wanted to be friends with, and we were the kids who really needed them, guess we were fortunate enough to be put through the unfortunate things that would constantly lead us to where we crossed paths. AU

  • Sweet Little Visions

    Nine year old Bonnibel was kidnapped and trapped in an old cellar, but there's someone down there to comfort her.

  • The Ghosts of Pendleton High School

    It's Finn's freshman year of high school, which is sort of fun, minus the homework and such. He just didn't expect that he'd wind up befriending the ghosts of two girls who were found dead on the school grounds in February of 1985.

  • Pretty Little Oddities

    Rose saw the beauty in all people, no matter how odd or insane they may be. AU in which the gems are human with various mental disorders.

  • Perplexity

    Marceline tries to gather her thoughts together after an event involving her girlfriend Priscilla Bonnibel Baumgartner.

  • Inferiority

    AU. Bubblegum is a humanoid animal who one day gets hassled by a bunch of teenage vampires in the Vampire Kingdom. She wakes up in the pound and is adopted by Lady Kelia. Bubblegum's deepest desire is to be a person, and Queen Marceline and Kelia try to teach her how to be one. But that nagging feeling of inferiority constantly plagues her. Bubbline later on.

  • Withdraws

    Peppermint Butler must care for his princess, even when she's mad with grief.

  • Love Isn't Easy, Love Doesn't Always Make Sense, Love Can Be Brutal

    Marceline scribbles a series of Haikus in a blank journal she found laying around her house.

  • This is Our Love Story Not Her Battle with an Illness

    Deckard will do anything in his power to help Bee through this troubling time in her life. Because to him she's Bee, the girl who's quirky, weird, and a little bit crazy.