

  • The Assistant

    Jack and Kate are married and expecting a baby but his new assistant is causing tension between the two. Jack thinks Kate’s pregnancy hormones are running rampant but Kate fears it’s something much more sinister.

  • A Fresh Start

    Sawyer never got off the plane and back on land, Jack isn’t ready for Aaron and a relationship but Sawyer is. Who will she choose?

  • Birthday Party

    Jack hasn’t seen Kate or Aaron since the breakup but all Aaron wants for his birthday is to see Jack, which means Kate will see Jack.

  • Moving On

    When Kate tells Jack she’s dating a colleague of his, it changes everything.

  • The Plan

    In order to get Kate back to the island, Jack joins forces with Ben Linus.

  • Another Year Older

    Somehow, Kate has ended up sleeping with Jack every year on his birthday despite the breakup. But what happens when Jack forgets?

  • Bring Her Home

    After a fight with Sawyer, Kate disappears. Now, Jack and Sawyer have to join forces if they ever want to find her.

  • 1977

    When they end up in 1977, Jack thinks it could be a fresh start for him and Kate.

  • Reparations

    When Jack leaves rehab his next step is reparations, starting with Kate.

  • Mistress

    Jack is engaged but having an affair with Kate. Even though it’s hypocritical, he finds himself jealous when Kate gets into a relationship of her own.

  • Parent Trap

    7 year old Aaron watches the Parent Trap and gets inspired to reunite his parents.

  • Second Chances

    When a head injury leaves Jack with amnesia, he thinks he’s still with Kate. With Margo’s influence Kate decides to play along with Jack’s version of reality.

  • Wildfire

    When the California wildfires destroy Kate’s home, Jack convinces her to stay with him in the hopes of winning her back.

  • Outside Looking In

    After Jack tells Kate he can’t be in Aaron’s life, he’s forced to watch Kate on the arm of a series of eligible bachelors at various functions. He was the one to reject Kate, so why does he feel so jealous?

  • Let Me Protect You

    Jack is dating Sarah but infatuated with the waitress at the diner. Kate is struggling two jobs, stripping and waitressing to save money to escape Wayne with her mom.

  • Oceanic’s First Family

    Immediately following their breakup, Jack and Kate are forced to play the perfect family for a documentary on Oceanic’s First Family.

  • Margo

    When Jack’s mom dies, Kate can’t help but return to his side. But will Jack take her back after all this time?

  • Blushing Bride

    When Kate gets engaged, Jack realizes this is his last chance to win her back.

  • Masquerade

    It's the mystery and excitement that makes the masquerade ball Victoria's favorite. Conrad ups his game, giving her more mystery and excitement than she can handle.

  • The Thunder rolls

    ConVict. Victoria has a car accident leaving her stranded in a storm.