
  • Love Thy Admirer

    Typically the well-spoken, intelligent half of the remaining Hera-jins, Bido is having an awful lot of trouble telling Mimette how he feels for her. Some brotherly advice from Bojack fixes that... or does it? A sidefic to Love Thy Enemy.

  • Bump In the Night: Para Nappa Activity

    *I HAVE MOVED TO AO3. ALL UPDATES WILL BE THERE, NOT ON FFN.* For those of you familiar with Ghost!Nappa from TFS DBZA, you'll get the joke. This is kind of dark, pretty bizarre, and definitely smutty, but read the warnings inside, ok? R&R if you like it, and please try to take it with a grain of salt and some dark humor. I'm horrible, I know.

  • Infidelity

    *I HAVE MOVED TO AO3 AND THIS STORY HAS BEEN UPDATED THERE! ALL UPDATES WILL BE ON AO3, NOT HERE* Married to Endymion, Queen Serenity has resisted a fated attraction to the captain of her guard for far too long...

  • Trust

    *I HAVE MOVED TO AO3 AND I HAVE UPDATED THIS STORY. ALL UPDATES WILL BE THERE, NOT HERE*On her way to a peace talk with King Vegeta, Princess Serenity is shot down by Prince Trunks and they both crash land on a deserted-but habitable-planet that's inhabited by nearly sentient predators. Can they learn to trust each other so that they can survive until rescue arrives?

  • BlueGeneral: A Collection of Nappa and Ami Oneshots

    *I HAVE MOVED TO AO3. ALL UPDATES WILL BE THERE, NOT ON FFN.*We all know that Nappa and Ami are my OTP of all time, but you can just blame my betas for this, and for squirreling me on new Nappami ideas and making me squeal like a fangirl over them all. So, I present to you, my fans, a collection of Nappami oneshots. Some of them fluffy, most of them smutty, all of them romantic.

  • Acquiesce

    *I HAVE MOVED TO AO3. ALL UPDATES WILL BE THERE, NOT ON FFN.* Having surrendered herself to the Saiyans in exchange for her people's safety and freedom, Princess Serenity winds up being given to the most-feared warrior in the universe. Part 7 of ? for Selene088's commission! And refer to my glossary for the Saiyan language!

  • Confessions

    Keeping secrets between friends is never easy, and when Bra confesses one to Usagi, it only leaves more to be revealed for the both of them. Part 2 of 3 for a commission from Vedia. Yup! I'm doing commissions now, yall!

  • Contract Obligations

    *I HAVE MOVED TO AO3. ALL UPDATES WILL BE THERE, NOT HERE* During an experiment for her college religions course, a very lonely teenage Ami accidentally summons The Devil himself, and after being informed that she's sold her soul, the only thing she can think to wish for is a friend... and she wants the devil to do the job. (Again, this is A/U yall) Behold! My first (mostly) T fic!

  • The Junior Match

    A commission from gogeta1089 on dA- Chibi-Usa is itching for a spar while she waits to sign up for the World Tournament, and finally finds someone her own age... with explosive results. Rated K for mild language.

  • Clandestine

    *I HAVE MOVED TO AO3. ALL UPDATES WILL BE THERE, NOT ON FFN.*Fed up with her mother's traditions, Chibi-Usa acts impulsively and goes searching for answers that her mother can't give her due to rigid Lunarian traditions. She gets far more than she ever bargained for thanks to a Saiyan masseuse and his unstable beast. (As always, refer to my glossary for the Saiyan language!)

  • Unity

    *I HAVE MOVED TO AO3. ALL UPDATES WILL BE THERE, NOT HERE* Having been at war for five years, the people of Queen Serenity's and King Vegeta's kingdoms have come to a stalemate. Princess Serenity is demanded as part of the peace agreement, but fearing for her daughter's safety and happiness, Serenity makes Vegeta an offer he can't refuse...

  • The Specimen

    *I HAVE MOVED TO AO3. ALL UPDATES WILL BE THERE, NOT HERE* On Eris to study the passing of a comet, Ami is surprised when a warrior crash lands on the dwarf planet, but when she tries to save him, he gets violent and lands himself in a cell. Now she just needs to figure out what he is and why he's there. T for now!

  • Discretion

    *I HAVE MOVED TO AO3 AND THIS STORY HAS BEEN UPDATED. ALL UPDATES WILL BE THERE, NOT HERE* With her king dead and Chibi-Usa having never been conceived, Neo Queen Serenity approaches her sister about possibly finding her a father to sire her child... and the man she finds isn't what any of them expected. Rated M, definitely! :D

  • Dark Chocolate

    *I HAVE MOVED TO AO3. ALL UPDATES WILL BE THERE, NOT HERE* After being asked by Nappa if he could court her, Dark Mercury decides to use a little bit of positive reinforcement for all of his hard work. Darkury x Nappa

  • No Regrets

    With a major battle looming over them that she likely won't escape alive, Usagi decides to confess her feelings for a certain captain. Romance and hilarity ensues thanks to a technological faux pas. R&R! Rated M for a reason, people!