I Took the One Less Travelled

  • Things Worth Falling For

    Sequel to Where We Start From. Dean and Sam are where they're supposed to be, but what do they do now? S5 AU, Dean/Cas.

  • Perfectly Ordinary Magic

    On Halloween 1981, Harry Potter lost his magic. As such, Dumbledore decided that the best thing for him was to separate him from the magical world entirely. Now, Ginny Weasley is fed up with her mother's matchmaking and flees to the muggle world for awhile, and happens to get a job in a cafe near where Harry goes to university. Will sparks fly between these two? HG. Background RHr.

  • Shards of Light and Colour

    Harry is an empath. AU. Eventual H/G.

  • The Interesting Thing About Circles

    In which Emma was accidentally kidnapped by John Winchester, and her big brothers tend to cause a bit of a ruckus when they visit Storybrooke (just like when they visit everywhere else). AU post S08E11: LARP and the Real Girl, Supernatural, post S02E09: Queen of Hearts, Once Upon a Time. Language is a bit iffy, so if it bothers you tell me and I'll bump the rating up but T for now.

  • Of Knights, Princesses, and Other Things That Shine

    Ginny Weasley decided from age ten that she wouldn't be what everyone wanted her to. Instead, she was going to break free of this. She was going to get Harry Potter, her knight in shining armour, to rescue her. But somewhere along the line, it occured to her that maybe he needed rescuing too. And maybe she was just the person for the job. H/G. Dumbledore bashing, Molly bashing.

  • Phantom Manor

    On November 1, 1981, Harry Potter disappeared from the doorstep of Number Four, Privet Drive. On the same night, Ron and Ginny Weasley disappeared from their cribs, and Hermione Granger vanished without a trace. These were not coincidences. This is the story of where they ended up, and how it will change things. H/G, R/Hr. AU, inspired by the Haunted Mansion Ride at Disneyland.

  • Lost in Time

    When Harry and Ginny get separated from the others in the Department of Mysteries, they end up in the room with the broken Time Turners- which throw them back to the seventeenth century, along with a murderous Dolohov out for revenge. H/G.

  • Delightful Diversions

    H/G/D. Everyone knows that Harry and Ginny Potter like to experiment. But what happens when the take their latest conquest, Draco Malfoy to bed with them and decide that they want to keep him? PWP, graphic smut, slash. sort of epilogue compliant.

  • Harry Delacour Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    The last thing that Apolline Delacour expected to find on vacation was the Boy-Who-Lived. And she certainly didn't expect to betroth him to her daughter Gabrielle, either. Follow Harry and his sister Fleur through the TriWizard Tournament. AU

  • Portait of a Dead Man

    The portrait of Albus Dumbledore reflects on his life, Harry, and the mistakes that he made- with a little help from Harry and Ginny's eldest, seven year old James Sirius Potter. DH/Epilouge compliant. Harry/Ginny

  • Kill the Spare

    Cedric Diggory died pretty senselessly when it was all said and done. And with slightly different circumstances, he could have easily survived the whole mess and Harry wouldn't have spent book five being all angsty. Here are some ways he could have lived.

  • Matching Pieces

    Ginny and Tom are matching pieces, two parts of a whole-according to him. According to her, Tom is nothing but a childhood friend turned nightmare. And Harry is her Happily Ever After. Post HBP, canon compliant OneShot.

  • Break the Chain and Free Your Soul

    Severus Snape had loved Lily Evans to his last breath, and he had protected her son with everything that he had. He had failed. DH compliant, drabble, onesided Severus/Lily.