La Fille Avec Le Stylo

  • Sea of No Cares

    Hey, hey, hey, somewhere you threw your fear in the Sea of No Cares." Oneshot songfic based on Great Big Sea's "Sea of No Cares." Who knows, it might be good! R&R, please!

  • November 1st

    When Lily Potter woke up that morning, she did not know that Lord Voldemort had been defeated the night before. Nor did she know the cost his defeat would come at. Oneshot.

  • Lavender Brown is Good With Boys

    Lavender Brown was good with boys; gifted, some might say. That being said, she was having difficulties with her soon- to- be- latest conquest.

  • This is the part where they aren't together

    This is the part where they aren't together and Draco walks home alone. Twoshot.

  • Role Play

    Sometimes a little role play can be good for a relationship.

  • Obliterated

    Somewhere, deep in the heart of London, crowds of strangers are passing by a bench on which a girl with unruly brunette hair is weeping. Oneshot.

  • A Different Definition of Love

    So you love me enough to wish me unhappiness and heartbreak?

  • Such Great Heights

    They will see us waving from such great heights. 'Come down now,' they'll say, but everything looks perfect from far away. 'Come down now,' but we'll stay." Oneshot songfic, based on The Postal Service's "Such Great Heights." Who knows? It might be good.

  • How to Fall in Love With the World's Biggest Prat

    He is the world's biggest prat, and she absolutely loathes him. It's an interesting affair, to say the least.

  • Bizarre People

    They have a bizarre relationship. That being said, they are very bizarre people, so maybe it's just to be expected. Oneshot.

  • Once Laughing Eyes

    Ariana Dumbledore only meant to protect her brother Aberforth from the pretty lights coming from those funny sticks. She hadn't meant to die. But that's what happened anyways.

  • Canaries

    She had intended on telling him how she felt, but he had other plans in mind. Such as snogging Lavender Brown. Oneshot.