

  • Unlikely Companions

    Harry finds Severus Snape on his doorstep injured from a Death Eaters meeting. Together they work to bring Voldemort down and an unlikely love from Snape's past. NOT SLASH

  • Never There

    Severus Snape walks down to Dumbledore's office one day, to find the one person he hoped he'd never see again. In time however, they will hopefully understand each other. Father-Son Relationship. Takes place after Order of the Phoenix. AU, of course. :

  • Aftermath of The Final Battle

    Deathly Hallows Spoilers:Severus Snape is still alive, when Lily speaks to him saying he must prepare a potion that brings her back to life. He will learn to be a father and befriend his enemy from the past.

  • Friendships Made In Captivity

    Hermione and Ron are captured by Death Eaters one night when they are sneaking out to Hogsmeade.Snape is revealed as a spy they are placed in a cell together and are tortured not very graphic . Will a friendship develop as they learn Severus' tragic past?

  • Serpents Den: Beginning of a Lion end of a Snake

    Severitus fic. Full Summary inside. Harry comes to Hogwarts as an abused child and is rescued by Snape. This begins Pre-Sorcerer's Stone and will have sequels. Please read and review! : Rated just in case. Warnings listed inside. NO Slash

  • A Death Eater's Son

    Harry gets a mysterious letter from his mother, charmed to be received on his 16th B-day. He finds his father is not who he thought he was. What will Harry do when the charms start to wear off? Severitus fic. Does not follow some challenge rules. Review:

  • Separate Worlds : Like of Heart and Mind

    Severitus fic. Harry has to go home for 3rd year holidays and unfortunately Snape gets stuck with the task of taking him home. What happens next?Will enemies put their differences behind them and realize they're really not so different after all

  • Along came a family

    Severitus Fic. Harry is abused and starting primary school. Severus is asked to teach at said school by Dumbledore and he grows protective of Harry. Rated T just in case.

  • Like of Mind and Heart

    Snape saves Hermione who in turn is attached to his familiar. Dumbledore orders Snape to give Hermione Occlumency lessons. Hermione develops a crush and learns a few secrets about our mysterious potions master. Will love ensue?

  • Prologue to the Aura Snape Series

    This is the Prologue to that story and it basically gives you an idea of what Aura was like as a child and all these things that happened to her. Rated T for safety. Features the Hogwarts staff trying to take care of a spoiled, troublesome six year-old.

  • Aura Snape Series

    This is the complete Aurelia Snape Series, but revised. I will be adding more chapters soon. The full summary will be inside. Books 1-7 including epilogue and maybe even a bit more. Also a bit of the HP characters pasts. Rated T just to be safe.

  • Aphrodite Malfoy Meets Harry Potter

    After the final battle Harry meets Draco's sister who's been shut up by Voldemort since she was twelve. Now fifteen she falls in love with Harry, who's head over heels for her. Will their relationship survive when one angry Draco gets in the middle of it?