
  • A chance for Oliver

    The turn of the millennium in 2000 brought the Muggles' fear of the unknown. Fearing that the bug of the millennium would stop their clocks and cause their planes to crash due to the change of the 1999 to 2000 algorithm in their systems, the collective fear was established during the change of century and millennium. But in a world where you could fly on a broom and not on airplan

  • Spasenie

    A world where Lord Voldemort would be able to ascend and dominate magical England could be an almost impossible reality in the eyes of another's trio as soon as the hunt for horcruxes began, but unfortunately that nightmare had become real. Harry Potter was dead and there was nothing he could do for Muggle-borns. With a decree, all of the over-the-age non-magical blood wizards be

  • Veela, Draco?

    During the last summer Draco discovered his true inner self: a pure Veela. He have complete knowledge of his partner, but there are difficulties that impede their relationship. Blood problems? He wish it were. The boy needs to learn desperately how to talk to his partner before the deadline ends and he dies of cowardice. After all, having a conversation with Hermione Granger is

  • Secret Lover's- Dramione

    O que acontece quando antigos amores voltam a tona, amigos e inimigos viram perfeitos Deuses Gregos,e um misterioso sonho o atormenta todas as noites? Descubra em "Secret Lover's" uma apaixonante história de Nutella(amor)